Licensed to paint

Yesterday's sunrise on Dinkins Bayou. November 11, 2015 -- All the exterior painting on our house came to a grinding halt last Thursday. Our paint contractor had unwittingly allowed his Sanibel license to expire. A competing painter reported him in to the city. A competing painter gave us an estimate of $21,000 last spring for the exterior painting. Understandably, we sought other estimates and hired a different painter -- one that was not so expensive. Yet as our painter's crew was working away last week, a competing painter's truck and car were seen multiple times lurking near our house -- even though the road is posted "private." Once, the snooping driver of the vehicle even had the nerve to turn around in our driveway! A competing painter's timing was impeccable. He probably called in the complaint on the day before the city's contractor review board met. The city inspector showed up at our property on the day of the monthly contra...