Life, full of flavor

When I was little – too little to know about cake possibilities – I always got angel food cake for my birthday. It was good – sticky, mild and sweet – and I suppose in all my blonde fairness, the adults thought that angel food cake seemed to be a good match for me. But then I grew up. My skin is darker, my blonde hair is more like brown with a few highlights – both silver and gold. My taste in cake and all other foods is broad and intense. I love strong flavors, spicy and exotic foods, and chocolate – the darker and richer, the better. I am what is called an adventurous eater. The most chocolate cake possible is a dark chocolate flourless torte that the French call La Bete Noire – the Black Beast. It is so named because of its flavorful intensity. I am the baker in this house, so yesterday I made my own Bete Noire, topped by a rich, dark chocolate ganache, for my birthday today. So now, at age 65, I am one of the adults. ...