Got O2?

As my husband Tom was recovering from a viral pneumonia in 2016, one of the things we did for entertainment and information was to check his oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter – one of those clever little electronic devices that a nurse has probably clipped onto your fingertip at some time or another. To make it even more fun, I would pull out my Samsung Galaxy phone (a phone that later died from a swollen battery) and use the Samsung Health app to check my oxygen levels by placing my finger over the phone’s light and camera lens. Then we’d switch devices, and he would use the phone app while I used the oximeter. Surprise! The phone app was amazingly accurate; it agreed with the oximeter readings every time. A pulse oximeter for measuring oxygen saturation levels. But alas, in January 2020, Samsung removed the oximeter function from the Samsung Health app. I have a different brand of Android phone now. A few days ago, I checked the ...