Change in abundance

April 28, 2015 -- At about 1PM, the thermometer on the back porch announced that the outdoor temperature was a mere 84 degrees.  But humidity wrapped me in a warm, damp blanket.  For about 20 minutes, I read the Sunday paper on the divan on that porch.  This was my meager reward for doing tedious work at the computer for a few hours.  In that short 20 minutes, the temperature dropped 8 degrees.  Large, dark clouds swept by overhead, but only a little rain fell.  The change in the weather was rapid.

At the same time, in the heart of Sanibel, a well-known author sat in the office of a real estate title company.  He was in a hurry.  He said he just wanted to sign the papers and be on his way.  Just like that, he and his wife (a composer) bought Cooley Hammock from us.  So that 3.5 acres is no longer Cooley Hammock.  Change happens fast.

Orchids on the front porch
Ah, now the rain is pouring.  The plants outside my window are visibly relieved.  Tom’s car, somewhere in South Fort Myers, must be receiving a much needed shower.  He didn’t need to pay for that car wash yesterday.  The money from the sale of the land is being wired into our bank account.  Now we focus on next month’s real estate closing; that’s when we buy the house we love.

After weeks of winds from the south, the wind now blows from the north.  I didn’t move the porch rocker in time.  The cushion covers are soaked.  Into the wash with them!

The porch furniture may not be happy, but the porch orchids are delighted.  And the temperature just dropped another 3 degrees!

I just called the title company.  The papers are signed, money is moving, and the author also signed my copy of his latest book.  Michelle at the title company was disappointed that he forgot to use my middle name when he signed the book.  No matter – the joy is in my heart.  

This is a good day indeed!


  1. Barbara, I haven't kept up on your Sanibel blog, so this was a surprise! I thought you and Tom were going to retire on Cooley Hammock (can you live on a hammock? I never quite understood what it was you'd bought!). Now you're going to buy a house other than the one you're in? Clearly I'm behind on your non-Paris life! Cynthia


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